Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Well, after much talk and anticipation, it finally started to snow around 7:00 tonight. And, while it's expected to turn to rain and melt before we wake up, we were still excited! All we had to say was "It's snowing" and William would go "Ohhhh." We took him out and he held out his hand, loving every minute of it. He's a true Seattle boy, getting excited at only a trace amount of snow!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

14 Months!

Our little boy is 14 months old and took his first steps on January 2nd! We're sure any day he's going to take off, but for now he seems content crawling. Although, he has started an "on guard" crawl so he can carry stuff in his hands. Hopefully we can get a photo of this to share.

He's very talkative and really likes babbling. His favorites are "bee, bee, bee" and "me, me, me."

We brushed his teeth for the first time and now have a regular brushing routine. And, we've upgraded his bath to a "big boy" bath. No more little blue tub.