Weight: 28.8 lbs (75%)
Height: 32.5" (50%)
I'm like a broke record every month, saying the same thing over and over, but it's so true, I really don't know how time is going so quickly!
This little man is developing by leaps and bounds and apparently we aren't the only one who is surprised by it. With our 18 month well-child checkup, Dr. Shifrin couldn't believe that Matthew was (1) sleeping through the night; (2) had no eating/drinking issues; (3) was playing make believe; (4) as vocal as he is and stringing together 4 word sentences (I gave the example of "Momma, where are you?"; (5) no carseat problems; and (6) starting to show interest in the potty. Really though, I can't get over what a chatterbox Matthew is and so observant of the world around him. Plus, it's a reminder to watch what is said around the boys because Matthew is also a little parrot and mimic of what is going on around him.