Thursday, June 3, 2010

7 Months

Where does the time go? William is 7 months old and doesn't show any signs of slowing down. We are almost sitting up on our own. William can hold the sitting up position for about 30 seconds before he falls over. And, we are getting closer to crawling. He doesn't have a problem with rolling to where he wants to get to. Often times, when we get him up from his nap, he will have turned 180 degrees and wormed his way down to the foot of the bed. His nap schedules are pretty regular now. He takes a 2 hour nap from 10-12 in the morning, and then a 45 minute afternoon nap, usually around 3. Nighttime sleeping, we are still getting up once in the middle of the night. We are hoping we return to sleeping through the night soon. William is loving his solid foods. We have so far introduced rice cereal, oatmeal, bananas, applesauce, sweet potatoes, and peaches. He has starting reaching out to people he wants to have hold him, and has mastered reaching out, picking up, and transfering his toys from one hand to the other. He is full of smiles, still loves his Jumperoo, and carries on quite the converation with Bailee to the point it makes you wonder what on earth they are talking about. We love this little man and he never ceases to amaze us.

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