Thursday, July 29, 2010

What a Busy Day!

Nana had a very interesting morning watching Will! We should have known that Bailee stepping in poop and tracking it throughout the house within the first ten minutes was just the beginning. Usually, Will naps for 2-3 hours. So, Nana was outside with the baby monitor thinking she had at least another hour before Will woke up when she heard a loud crashing sound come over the monitor. Without a second thought, she raced up the stairs to find that Will had woken up and managed to pull his mobile down. Will thought this was hilarious and gave his big toothy smile. He then proceeded to pull himself into a standing position and laugh at Nana. Between shaking the railing and having the rail hit him chest level, we were afraid he may flip himself out of the crib. Well, his mattress was lowered today as a result. Hopefully the lowered mattress solves this problem! In addition, Will's front tooth popped through, and he's a crawler. Nana had left Will to play with his toys in the living room as she went to the kitchen to prepare his lunch only to look up and see him peering around the corner and begin to make his way towards the kitchen. Today was a busy day!

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