Thursday, March 31, 2011

17 Months!

I don't know how it's possible that we have a walking and almost talking little man! William has definitely developed his own words and is pretty good about communicating what it is he wants.
"wah wah" - water or bottle of milk
"Ba - ee" - Bailee
"Brrrr" - cold or hot
"Nigh - nigh" - tired and time to go to bed
"Bir" - Bird
"Lighhhh" - light
"No no no no no" - When he doesn't want something, or when we take away something he really wants.

William also is able to make the following animal sounds: dog, cow, snake, elephant, and monkey. And, he knows where his eyes, nose, mouth, ear, hair, foot, and belly button are.

He has started to really love his blanket and loves to cuddle with it before he goes to bed and after he wakes up. His favorite TV shows we watch in the morning are Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Handy Manny, and Jake and the Neverland Pirates.

William definitely knows what he wants and will throw the hugest fits if he doesn't get his way, which we don't give in to. I just hope this phase passes quickly.

Breakfast every morning has to consist of banana, usually followed by a peanut butter or jelly eggo. For lunch, William loves grilled cheese, or pb&j, a cream cheese sandwich, yogurt, applesauce, quesadilla, egg salad...really anything. And lately, his favorite snack is gorgonzola crackers dipped in tomato basil hummus. For dinner, we admittedly need to incorporate more veggies. His go to veggies are carrots or zucchini. He likes pasta with tomato sauce, mac & cheese, risotto, gnocchi, chicken pot pie, pretty much anything.

He is still taking his 3 hour naps and I really hope this continues for awhile. Bedtime is about 8:30 and we usually sleep until about 6:30.

One of his favorite things is giving Bailee her treats, and watches over her to make sure she eats it all and eats it fast. Poor Bailee.

He really is the sweetest little boy who likes to come up and give hugs, make kissing sounds, or blow kisses...still working on actually giving kisses. We love this little boy and know he will be a fantastic older brother!

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