Thursday, December 8, 2011

Christmas Tree Decorating!

William was so excited to see our Christmas tree be brought in and set up. As soon as the tree was placed in its base, William ran over to Matthew and excitedly proclaimed "MeeMoo, MeeMoo, big tree, big tree MeeMoo, look!"

Deciding that our tree needed multi-color lights, I braved Home Depot with the two boys. William enjoyed the trip, saying "hi" to everyone, was sure to tell one man that there were "big trucks" in the parking lot, helped carry the boxes and pay for them. Once home, he then helped string the lights on the tree and has demanded the lights (or hot as he calls them) be on at all times.

Decorating the tree was also very exciting and he couldn't get enough of all the different ornaments. And thankfully, he knows that once the ornaments are on the tree, that is where they are to stay.

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