Tuesday, April 24, 2012

7 Months!

Our not so little chunkster is 7 months old and is showing no signs of slowing down!  5 teeth have made their grand appearance, and while we were sleeping through the night, the last 3 nights we've been getting up once.  I love going in to get him from his crib and seeing him raise his head up as high as he can to see over the bumper and lighting up with the biggest, toothiest grin!  Really, we shouldn't complain as Matthew is one of the happiest babies ever!  He's all smiles, constantly cooing or singing, is in love with his big brother and Bailee, and is happiest in his Jumperoo or being held.  He is a total rockstar when it comes to eating.  We have rice cereal mixed with a fruit in the morning and a vegetable in the afternoon.  So far, there hasn't been any food he hasn't loved.  We are not crawling yet, but fully anticipate it happening any day now.  He can get up on all fours and rock back and forth, so we know it's just a matter of time.  And I have a feeling he will be into everything.  This kid is constantly reaching for any and everything within his reach.

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