Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Big O-N-E!!!

Weight: 25 lbs 15 oz (75%-90%)
Length: 30" (50%-75%)

I have put off updating on Matthew's birthday, in part because I don't want to acknowledge that my not-so-little baby is no longer a baby.  There's no doubt that this kid has been passing his developmental milestones ahead of when other babies typically do.

This kid, decided he wanted to walk before he turned 1.  So, exactly one week before his birthday, on September 14th, he took his first steps.  And since then, well, let's just say he's really getting around now.

This kid still has 8 teeth, but according to Dr. Shifrin, there are molars that are making their way out.  Apparently 8 teeth before you're one is a big deal.  Well, we've had 8 teeth for months now.

This kid loves food.  Especially gold fish!  He goes nuts for gold fish!

We are finally only getting up 1 to 2 times in the middle of the night.  Huge improvement from the 3 to 4 times we were doing!

This kid naps like a rockstar in the mornings.  His afternoon nap is hit or miss, depending largely on whether or not William will take his nap.

This kid LOVES his brother and LOVES to play with his brother's toys.  He particularly LOVES balls.  He LOVES snuggling.  He LOVES smiling.  He LOVES to clap and wave "hi" and "bye." And just recently, he LOVES to feed Bailee.  And Bailee is finally taking advantage of whatever food is tossed her way.

On September 22nd we had a huge (40+ people) first birthday for Matthew.  This kid is definitely well loved!  Circus was the theme and all the kids and adults too had a blast.  Owen could be heard running through the hall saying "This is the best birthday ever!" which just warms my heart!  All the kids were busy digging in the dirt, playing baseball, swinging and sliding down the slide, riding Thomas the Train, driving the John Deere, driving the Little Tikes cars, playing in the tent, and running around.  Thank goodness for the good weather.  I'm not sure how we would have all fit inside otherwise.

On the menu were hotdogs, roasted chickpeas, pizza bites, bite size apple pies, popcorn, goldfish, fruit skewers, and of course cake!

After everyone had left, and Matthew was playing with some of his new toys, he managed to fall and hit the inside of his mouth just right.  There was so much blood!  Luckily, we avoided a trip to the emergency room.  But, what a way to end your first year buddy!  As William would say, "we love our Bo-Bo."

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