Thursday, January 3, 2013

15 Months

And just like that, 15 months has come and gone!  Matthew continues to grow and develop by leaps and bounds.  He is so incredibly happy-go-lucky, has a smile that will melt anyone's heart, a contagious laugh, idolizes his older brother, and is definitely a Daddy's boy.  The moment Daddy comes home from work, Matthew drops whatever he's doing, shrieks with delight and runs after Daddy.

We are down to about one, 1.5-2 hour nap a day.  He loves eating.  Going to bed at night is not an issue whatsoever.  Sleeping through the night, but is an early riser!  Finally is wearing shoes.  For the longest time, we couldn't get him to keep his sock or shoes in.  Then Boomie gave him his own bear slippers, which did the trick.  Is a fearless, daredevil and will try to climb just about anything if given the opportunity.  Is starting to have a pretty extensive vocabulary.  Some of his favorite words are "ball," "dinosaur," "Mama," "Dadda," "Nana," "BoBo," "Juice."

Has discovered the toilet.  Yesterday, in front on William and I while William was getting ready to go to the bathroom, Matthew ran to the toilet and dropped his ball in.  Then, a short time later I heard splashing, ran to the bathroom, and there was Matthew with his hand in the bowl splashing around and 2 of his cars submerged...Gross!

Weight: 27 lbs 7 oz (75%-90%)
Length: 31.5" (50%-75%)

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