Tuesday, September 6, 2011

22 Months!

We are fast approaching the 2 year mark! How is that possible? William has turned into such a great helper, helping fold the laundry, throw away garbage (or as he calls it, "poopies" - all garbage is "poopie"), clean-up his toys, vacuum, dust, wheel his chair to the table when it's time to eat...you name it, he helps.

He's very social and and immediately wants to "play" with whoever comes to visit and is persistent. And, he loves playing with other kids. He's so excited whenever little Caitlin, our neighbor, comes over, or Alex. We're still working on sharing our toys, but he's getting a lot better at it.

He also loves having his books read to him. He still loves all trucks, diggers, cars, etc. and most are still identified by the sound they make. And, he still loves his movies. I can't count how many times we've watched Toy Story 3 or The Princess & The Frog. Tangled has been thrown into the mix, but the other two still remain his favorites. Thank goodness they are On Demand.

His vocabulary is growing every day, and does a good job of communicating what it is that he wants, for the most part.

He loves Bailee. She definitely benefits from cheese sharing, however, she isn't so trusting when he tries to pet her. But, William is always concerned with where she is, and when in doubt, will yell out "B."

William is a very happy go lucky boy whose smile lights up the room! Any day, he'll be a big brother, and we can't wait to see the love he shows baby Matthew.

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